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Unexpected Chromium process termination

DotNetBrowser runs Chromium in a separate native process. An error in the Chromium engine can lead to unexpected process termination. The information about the native crash is stored in a crash dump file.

If Chromium process is unexpectedly terminated, and you received the Engine Crashed event, submit a ticket on the issue and share the generated crash dump file using an online file sharing service such as, for example, Dropbox, Google Drive, and others.

Collecting crash dumps

When one of the Chromium processes crashes, DotNetBrowser generates a crash dump file. The location of the dump file depends on the platform:

  • Windows: %appdata%\DotNetBrowser\dotnetbrowser.dmp.dir
  • Linux: $HOME/.config/DotNetBrowser/dotnetbrowser.dmp.dir
  • macOS: $HOME/.config/DotNetBrowser/dotnetbrowser.dmp.dir

To change the default directory, use the EngineOptions.CrashDumpDirectory property. See the code sample below:

EngineOptions.CrashDumpDirectory = "C:\\DotNetBrowser\\crash-dumps";
EngineOptions.CrashDumpDirectory = "C:\DotNetBrowser\crash-dumps"
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