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Posted on October 5, 2022

DotNetBrowser 2.17

DotNetBrowser’s history is getting a new spin! We are happy to announce that DotNetBrowser is a cross-platform library now!

What’s new

Available on Linux and macOS

Starting with version 2.17, the library also works on Linux and macOS.

Use the same code on all three platforms with no extra effort. Simply install the new binaries:

# For macOS
dotnet add package DotNetBrowser.macOS-x64

# For Linux
dotnet add package DotNetBrowser.Linux-x64

Check our installation articles to learn how to add necessary packages from ZIP or NuGet to your application.

Supported platforms

We officially support Intel-based macOS 10.15+ and a number of 64-bit Linux distributions:

  • Ubuntu 18.04+
  • Debian 10+
  • Fedora Linux 33+
  • openSUSE 15.2+
  • RedHat Enterprise Linux 7

Take a look at our updated system requirements.

Support of the Apple Silicon and ARM64 platforms is on our Roadmap. The official support for these platforms will be added in one of the nearest releases.

Cross-platform GUI

The support for cross-platform UI libraries is yet to come. If you are interested in using DotNetBrowser in UI, drop us a message.

Chromium 104

The Chromium engine has been upgraded to version 104.0.5112.124.

Name converter for JavaScript injected objects

ConvertJsNameHandler allows converting .NET method/property/field names to the name that will be used in JavasScript. See an example in our GitHub repository: C# and VB.NET.

Fullscreen API

It is now possible to exit fullscreen programmatically. It works even for PDF viewer:


There are some backward incompatible API changes you can read about in our migration guide.

Quality enhancements

  • Fixed IEngine instance crash after closing DevTools window.
  • Improved string indexer support in JS-.NET bridge to make it work with ExpandoObject.

Download DotNetBrowser 2.17 (.NET Framework)
Download DotNetBrowser 2.17 (.NET Core)
Download DotNetBrowser 2.17 (Cross-platform)

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