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Collecting crash dumps

This guide describes how to collect crash dumps generated by JxBrowser.

When the native process crashes, JxBrowser generates and stores the crash dump files in the predefined directory. This directory will contain one or more *.dmp files. They are usually up to 5MB in size.

The default directory path is different for each platform:

  • Windows %localappdata%\JxBrowser\7.41.3\CrashReports
  • macOS $HOME/Library/Application Support/JxBrowser/7.41.3/CrashReports
  • Linux $HOME/.config/jxbrowser/7.41.3/crash-reports

You can change the default directory by using the jxbrowser.crash.dump.dir system property:

System.setProperty("jxbrowser.crash.dump.dir", "/Users/Me/.jxbrowser/7.41.3/CrashReports");
System.setProperty("jxbrowser.crash.dump.dir", "/Users/Me/.jxbrowser/7.41.3/CrashReports")