This guide describes how to access a DOM document, find elements, modify a DOM structure, simulate user input, etc.
Each web page loaded in
a Browser
has a main Frame
. The Frame
itself may have child frames. For example, when a web page has IFRAME
s, please use
the Frame
to access DOM and JavaScript.
Accessing document
Every Frame
a DOM Document
. To access the Document
please use the Frame.document()
frame.document().ifPresent(document -> {
val document = frame.document
document?.let {
Finding elements
You can find HTML elements inside an element by different conditions. The following example demonstrates how to find
all DIV
elements inside the document element:
document.documentElement().ifPresent(documentElement ->
.forEach(element -> {
// ...
val divs = document.documentElement!!.findElementsByTagName("div")
divs.forEach { element -> }
If you need to find only the first HTML element use the following approach:
documentElement.findElementByTagName("div").ifPresent(element -> {
val div = documentElement.findByTagName("div")
div?.let {
Here are the examples of searching for HTML elements by different conditions:
JxBrowser DOM API allows evaluating XPath expressions using Node.evaluate(String expression)
. You can evaluate an
XPath expression in scope of a specified Node
using the following code:
try {
var result = node.evaluate("count(//div)");
} catch (XPathException e) {
// Failed to evaluate the given expression.
val queryNumberOfDivs = XPathExpression("count(//div)")
try {
val result: XPathResult = node.evaluate(queryNumberOfDivs)
} catch (e: XPathException) {
// Failed to evaluate the given expression.
The method throws XPathException
when the library failed to evaluate the given expression.
The evaluation result is stored in the XPathResult
object. Please make sure that the result contains the expected
value type, e.g. Number
, Boolean
, String
, Node
, and extracts the value itself:
if (result.isNumber()) {
double number = result.asNumber();
if (result.isNumber) {
val number: Double = result.asNumber()
Query selector
To find the elements that match a specified selector, e.g. #root
, please use the following code:
var elements = element.findElementsByCssSelector("#root");
val elements = element.findElementsByCssSelector("#root")
Node at point
To find the Node
at a specific point, e.g. 100x150, on the web page please use the following approach:
var inspection = frame.inspect(Point.of(100, 150));
inspection.node().ifPresent(node -> {
val inspection: PointInspection = frame.inspect(Point(100, 150))
val node: Node? = inspection.node
Working with elements
Element bounds
You can get bounds of the Element
with the position relative to the top-left of the viewport of the current Document
as follows:
var rect = element.boundingClientRect();
val rect = element.boundingClientRect()
This method returns an empty Rect
when the element has a hidden
attribute or the CSS style of the element contains display: none;
Element attributes
The Element
class provides methods that allow you to get, add, remove, or modify the HTML element attributes. The
following example demonstrates how to get all the attributes of the element and print their names and values:
element.attributes().asMap().forEach((name, value) ->
System.out.println(name + ": " + value));
element.attributes.asMap().forEach { (name, value) ->
println("$name: $value")
The following example demonstrates how to add/modify an element attribute:
element.attributes().put("attrName", "attrValue");
element.attributes["attrName"] = "attrValue"
Creating elements
The DOM API allows modifying the document DOM structure. The following example demonstrates how to create and
insert <p>
element with some text:
// Create a new paragraph element.
var paragraph = document.createElement("p");
// Create a text node with the given text.
var text = document.createTextNode("Text");
// Insert the text node into the paragraph element.
if (paragraph.appendChild(text)) {
// Insert the paragraph element into the required element.
boolean success = element.appendChild(paragraph);
// Create a new paragraph element.
val paragraph = document.createElement("p")
// Create a text node with the given text.
val text = document.createTextNode("Text")
// Insert the text node into the paragraph element.
if (paragraph.appendChild(text)) {
// Insert the paragraph element into the required element.
val success = element.appendChild(paragraph)
Closing nodes
DOM objects that have a Node
counterpart are not subjects to Blink garbage collection. By default, we keep these
objects in memory until the page is unloaded.
To optimize the memory usage, you can enable garbage collection on the per-object basis:
Closing Node
marks the corresponding Blink object as collectable, but it does not release the object immediately.
After calling the close()
method, the attempts to use Node
will lead to ObjectClosedException
DOM events
Each Node
implements the EventTarget
interface that provides methods for registering DOM events. You can register
DOM listener to receive DOM events such as click
, mousedown
, mouseup
, keydown
, load
, error
The following example demonstrates how to register a click
event listener for a document HTML element:
document.documentElement().ifPresent(element ->
element.addEventListener(EventType.CLICK, event -> {
// Mouse click event has been received.
if (event instanceof MouseEvent) {
var mouseEvent = (MouseEvent) event;
var clickCount = mouseEvent.clickCount();
}, false)
val listener = Observer<Event> { event ->
// Mouse click event has been received.
if (event is MouseEvent) {
val clickCount = event.clickCount()
val useCapture = false
Also, JxBrowser allows you to listen to the custom DOM events and access their payload:
// Create a custom DOM event type.
var eventType = EventType.of("MyEvent");
// Listen to the events of the given event type.
element.addEventListener(eventType, event -> {
// The MyEvent event has been received.
if (event instanceof CustomEvent) {
var customEvent = (CustomEvent) event;
var payload = customEvent.detail();
}, false);
// Create a custom DOM event type.
val eventType = EventType.of("MyEvent")
val listener = Observer<Event> { event ->
// The MyEvent event has been received.
if (event is CustomEvent) {
val payload = event.detail<JsObject>()
val useCapture = false
// Listen to the events of the given event type.
element.addEventListener(eventType, listener, useCapture)
JxBrowser DOM API provides everything you need to automate the web form filling. This section describes how to update the text in the text fields, select a checkbox or a radio button, select one or multiple options in a drop-down list, simulate a click, etc.
To work with web form controls please use the FormControlElement
interface. This interface allows to check whether the
control is enabled, and to modify its value. All the form controls such as INPUT
, and others
inherit this interface.
To work with INPUT
elements please use the InputElement
interface. It provides all the required methods to check the
input type and set its value.
Text, email, password
To replace the default value of a text, email, or password field with a new value, please use
the InputElement.value(String)
For example, if your web form contains the <input>
elements with the following types:
<input type="text" id="firstname" placeholder="First Name">
<input type="email" id="email" placeholder="Email Address">
<input type="password" id="password" placeholder="Password">
you can set their value using the following approach:
documentElement.findElementById("firstname").ifPresent(element ->
((InputElement) element).value("John"));
documentElement.findElementById("email").ifPresent(element ->
((InputElement) element).value(""));
documentElement.findElementById("password").ifPresent(element ->
((InputElement) element).value("Jkdl12!"));
val firstname = documentElement.findById("firstname") as InputElement
firstname.value = "John"
val email = documentElement.findById("email") as InputElement
email.value = ""
val password = documentElement.findById("password") as InputElement
password.value = "Jkd12!"
Check box, radio button
To check a radio button or a checkbox please use the InputElement.check()
For example, if your web form contains the <input>
elements with the following types:
<input type="checkbox" id="checkbox" value="Remember me">
<input type="radio" id="radio" checked>
you can select/unselect them using the following approach:
documentElement.findElementById("checkbox").ifPresent(element ->
((InputElement) element).check());
documentElement.findElementById("radio").ifPresent(element ->
((InputElement) element).uncheck());
val checkbox = documentElement.getById("checkbox") as InputElement
val radio = documentElement.getById("radio") as InputElement
The <input>
elements with type=file
let the user choose one or more files from their device storage. JxBrowser
allows you to programmatically select a file and update the value of the <input type=file>
For example, if your web form contains an <input>
element like:
<input type="file" id="avatar" accept="image/png, image/jpeg" multiple>
you can select the required file/files programmatically using the following approach:
documentElement.findElementById("avatar").ifPresent(element ->
((InputElement) element).file("file1.png", "file2.jpeg"));
val avatar = documentElement.getById("avatar") as InputElement
avatar.file("file1.png", "file2.png")
Text area
To set the text in a <textarea>
element like:
<textarea id="details"></textarea>
please use the following approach:
documentElement.findElementById("details").ifPresent(element ->
((TextAreaElement) element).value("Some text...")
val details = documentElement.getById("details") as TextAreaElement
details.value = "Some text..."
Select & option
To select all options in a SELECT
control like:
<select id="fruits" multiple>
please use the following approach:
documentElement.findElementById("fruits").ifPresent(element -> {
var selectElement = (SelectElement) element;
selectElement.options().forEach(optionElement ->
val fruits = documentElement.getById("fruits") as SelectElement
fruits.options.forEach {
Using this approach you can select only one required option.
Simulating click
To simulate a mouse click on an element please use the following method:;
When click()
is used with the supported elements (such as an <input>
), it fires the element’s click event. This
event then bubbles up to the elements higher in the document tree and fires their click events.
Dispatching events
You can dispatch an Event
at the specified EventTarget
using the EventTarget.dispatch(Event)
The following example demonstrates how to dispatch a standard click
event at the specified element:
// Client and screen location.
var location = Point.of(10, 10);
// Create MouseEvent with the required options.
var mouseClickEvent = document.createMouseEvent(EventType.CLICK,
// The main button pressed.
// Generate a click event on the target element.
// Client and screen location.
val location = Point(10, 10)
// Create MouseEvent with the required options.
val eventParams = EventParams(bubbles = true, cancelable = true)
val uiEventModifiers = UiEventModifierParams(eventParams)
val mouseEventParams = MouseEventParams(
button = MouseEvent.Button.MAIN, // The main button pressed.
location = location,
locationOnScreen = location,
uiEventModifierParams = uiEventModifiers
val mouseClickEvent = document.createMouseEvent(
// Generate a click event on the target element.
Using this approach you can create and dispatch various DOM events. Such events are commonly called synthetic events
, as opposed to the events fired by
the Browser