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Posted on December 18, 2009

JxBrowser 2.0

New features

  • Unified API for multiple browser engine support.
  • Added Internet Explorer engine support for Windows platforms.
  • Added Apple Safari (WebKit) engine support for Mac OS X platforms.
  • Added the Browser.waitReady() method that allows blocking the current thread execution until web page is loaded completely.
  • Added "Cancel navigation" functionality.


  • Added Mozilla XULRunner background deployment functionality.
  • Added Mac OS X 10.6 support.

Known limitations

  • Apple Safari (WebKit) engine does not provide DOM access yet (will be added in JxBrowser 2.2 planned for February 2010).
  • Apple Safari (WebKit) engine does not receive JavaScript error notifications (to be added in JxBrowser 2.2).
  • Mozilla engine doesn’t support MIME type handling functionality yet (to be added in JxBrowser 2.1 planned for January 2010).