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Posted on December 17, 2010

JxBrowser 2.6

New features

  • Added cookie management functionality in Safari engine;
  • Added keyboard listener support for IE and Mozilla;
  • Added mouse listener support for IE and Mozilla.

Resolved issues

Mozilla engine

  • Casting link element as DOMElement doesn’t throw the ClassCastException;
  • Implemented the DOMElement.getHTML method;
  • HttpSecurityHandler allows navigating on https web pages;
  • The engine doesn’t throw the IllegalComponentStateException when it displays a tooltip;
  • Fixed memory leak in Browser.toImage method;
  • The Browser.setContent supports broken HTML now;
  • Popup windows are not blinking anymore;
  • Popup window size is the same as the size that was passed through the JavaScript function.

Safari engine

  • It’s possible to access the document.documentElement.innerText trough Browser.executeScript method;
  • Popup window size is the same as the size that was passed through the JavaScript function.

IE engine

  • The Browser.toImage method works with JDK 64-bit;
  • The Browser instance can be created when JDK version is 1.6.0_10-beta;
  • Popup window size is the same as the size that was passed through the JavaScript function;
  • Accessing non-existing DOM element doesn’t throw NullPointerException anymore.

Known limitations

  • Proxy functionality doesn’t work for IE engine on JDK 64-bit;
  • Opening a web page that contains Flash on Mac OS X in Safari and Mozilla engines at the same time will cause a JVM crash;
  • Displaying JavaScript Alert through Browser.executeScript in Safari engine causes a JVM crash.