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Posted on April 23, 2013

JxBrowser 3.4

New features

  • Added out-of-process implementation for IE in 64-bit environment. Now each IE Browser instance is running in a separate native process in 64-bit environment.
  • Added support of print dialog in Mozilla15 and Mozilla engines on Mac OS X.
  • Added support of the System Property.
  • Added support of the System Property.
  • Added support of the jxbrowser.plugin.dir System Property for Mozilla15.
  • Added support of CardLayout on Mac OS X with JDK 1.7.
  • Added support of printing functionality on Windows 8 + IE10 for IE engine.



  • Fixed IllegalStateException when disposing Browser instance.
  • Fixed incorrect Browser location on Mac OS X with JDK 1.7.
  • Fixed incorrect character encoding in JavaScript-Java bridge.
  • Fixed native crash when user disposes Browser instance on Mac OS X.
  • Fixed issue when the Browser.executeScript() method throws exception when JavaScript throws warning message.
  • Fixed unexpected NoSuchFieldError exception in Java XPCOM bridge.
  • Fixed unexpected XPCOMException NS_NOINTERFACE in HttpObserver functionality.
  • Fixed issue when zooming affects context menu location.


  • Fixed AbstractMethodError exception when user invokes the Browser.getDocument() method.
  • Fixed issue when call to the Browser.executeScript() method returns null, but return value is not null on Linux.
  • Improved focus support for JDK 1.7.
  • Fixed incorrect character encoding in JavaScript-Java bridge.
  • Fixed issue when the Browser.executeScript() method throws exception when JavaScript throws warning message.

Internet Explorer

  • Fixed issue when user cannot create Browser instance using JVM 64-bit.
  • Fixed issue when user cannot dispose Browser when PDF document is loaded.
  • Fixed issue when default HTTP Security Policy doesn’t work.
  • Fixed issue when double-click on a web page blocks keyboard and mouse events with JDK 1.7.
  • Fixed focus issue with multiple Browser instances with JVM 64-bit.
  • Improved focus traversal functionality for JDK 1.7 on a web page with enabled design mode.
  • Fixed issue when focus traversal functionality doesn’t work with JDK 1.7 when window lost focus.
  • Fixed issue when IE engine doesn’t work in modal dialogs.
  • Fixed crash in JavaScript-Java bridge with JVM 64-bit on Windows 7 + MS IE8.
  • Improved memory usage in the Browser.toImage() method with JVM 32-bit.
  • Fixed issue when the Browser.dispose() method ignores result of a confirmation dialog.
  • Improved memory usage in the Browser.toImage(true) method with JVM 64-bit.
  • The Browsers.getIEVersion() method now supports IE10 on Windows 8.
  • Fixed issue when zooming affects context menu location.


  • Fixed issue when TitleListener does not fire events while document title is changed from JavaScript.