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Posted on November 8, 2013

JxBrowser 4.0

The official JxBrowser 4.0 is out!

The new features introduced in JxBrowser 4.0 API since the Beta 3:

  • Cookie API that can be used to receive all the cookies including secure and HTTP-only ones, delete all the cookies or a specific one, create and register new cookies. See the CookieSample.
  • Two-way communication bridge between JavaScript and Java. You can execute JavaScript code on the loaded web page and return the result of execution to the Java side. See the JavaScriptJavaSample.
  • DOM API with DOM Events.
  • The BrowserView.getImage() method that can be used to get an image of the loaded web page. See the HTMLToImageSample.
  • Chromium Switches support. See the BrowserPreferences.setChromiumSwitches(String… switches) method.
  • Windows XP SP2 environment support.

Write us at to download JxBrowser 4.0.