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Posted on November 25, 2013

JxBrowser 4.1

JxBrowser 4.1 is released with the following new features and improvements.

  • Added Windows Server 2008 R2 support.
  • Added Windows Server 2012 support.
  • Added the DOMNode.getElementsByTagName() method.
  • Added the Browser.getNodeAtPoint() method.
  • Now each Browser instance inherits system network and proxy settings by default.
  • Added LoadHandler interface to handle URL loading.
  • Added ConsoleListener interface to listen to console messages including JavaScript errors.
  • Added KeyFilter interface for filtering keyboard events.
  • Improved memory usage. Resolved several small Java memory leaks.
  • Fixed 3.x and 4.x license conflict. Now you can use JxBrowser 3.x and 4.x in the same project.
  • Fixed the hang issue with the BrowserView.updateSize() method.

Write us at to download JxBrowser 4.1.