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Posted on March 21, 2014

JxBrowser 4.3

JxBrowser 4.3 contains the following features and improvements.

  • Support of Java 8 has been added.
  • Support of Ubuntu 13.10 has been added.
  • Support of DnD has been implemented for Windows platforms.
  • Support of WebRTC has been added.
  • Support of Chromium Developer Tools and Remote Debugging Port has been implemented.
  • Support of web camera has been implemented.
  • Navigation History API has been added.
  • Network Delegate API has been implemented. Using this API you can handle HTTP request/response headers.
  • The DOMElement.getAttributes() method has been added.
  • The DOMDocument.createElement(String tagName) method has been added.
  • The DOMDocument.createTextNode(String text) method has been added.
  • The DOMNode.appendChild(DOMNode childNode) method has been added.
  • The DOMNode.setNodeValue(String value) method has been implemented.
  • The DOMNode.querySelector(String selectors) method has been added.
  • The DOMNode.querySelectorAll(String selectors) method has been added.
  • The CookieStorage.setSessionCookie() method has been added. Using this method you can create session cookies.
  • The Cookie.isSession() method has been implemented.
  • The LoadHandler.onCertificateError(CertificateErrorParams params) event has been added. This method can be used to handle SSL certificate errors.
  • The LoadListener.onProvisionalLoadingFrame(ProvisionalLoadingEvent event) event has been added. This method can be used to get notifications about navigations inside loaded web page.
  • The Browser.setPreferences(BrowserPreferences preferences) method has been implemented. You can use this method to modify different browser preferences such as enable/disable JavaScript, Images, plugins etc.
  • Fixed issue when JavaScript slider does not work.
  • Fixed issue when Browser instance cannot be created due to socket connection error.
  • Fixed issue when Browser instance cannot be created on the latest Linux distributions because of missing native library.

The CloseStatus com.teamdev.jxbrowser.chromium.DialogHandler.onAuthRequired(AuthDialogParams params) method has been moved to boolean com.teamdev.jxbrowser.chromium.NetworkDelegate.onAuthRequired(AuthRequiredParams params).

Write us at to download JxBrowser 4.3.