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Posted on February 18, 2015

JxBrowser 5.0

JxBrowser 5.0 contains the following features and improvements.

  • Support of JavaFX.
  • Support of Chromium 64-bit on Mac OS X.
  • Support of OSGi environment.
  • Support of system MP3/MP4 codecs on Linux.

New classes and methods added:

  • The DOMKeyEvent class.
  • The DOMMouseEvent class.
  • The DOMEvent.preventDefault() method.
  • The DOMEvent.stopPropagation() method has been added.
  • The DOMFormElement class.
  • The DOMInputElement class.
  • The DOMSelectElement class.
  • The DOMOptionElement class.
  • The DOMTextAreaElement class.
  • The JSObject class.
  • The JSFunction class.
  • The ResourceHandler class.
  • The NetworkDelegate.onDestroyed() method.
  • The NetworkDelegate.onBeforeSendProxyHeaders() method.
  • The RequestParams.getRequestId() method.
  • The ZoomService.setDefaultZoomLevel(double level) method.
  • The ZoomService.getDefaultZoomLevel() method.
  • The DownloadItem.cancel() method.
  • The DownloadItem.pause() method.
  • The DownloadItem.resume() method.
  • The DownloadItem.isCanceled() method.
  • The DownloadItem.isPaused() method.
  • Support of Chromium Geolocation API has been added. You can use BrowserPreferences.setChromiumVariable() method to configure Chromium engine with required API keys including Geolocation.
  • Support of Vertical and Horizontal Resize Cursors has been added.
  • The --disable-web-security and -–allow-file-access-from-files Chromium switchers support has been added. You can use these switchers to disable Same-origin policy in Chromium engine which is enabled by default.
  • The DefaultDownloadHandler has been improved. It checks permissions of the selected directory and informs if Java process doesn’t have rights to save file there.
  • The issue when the Browser.isDisposed() method returns false for already disposed or crashed Chromium engine.
  • Improved CPU and memory usage.
  • Improved stability in multi-threaded environment.
  • Improved stability in flash plugin.
  • Fixed IllegalArgumentException in cookie parser.

Write us at to download JxBrowser 5.0.