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Posted on December 28, 2016

JxBrowser 6.11

In this version we are glad to introduce a long awaited functionality, that allows intercepting URL requests/responses for standard protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, etc., and custom non-standard protocols, e.g. JAR. Using this functionality you can register JAR protocol handler and load HTML files directly from JAR files without necessity to extract them into a temporary directory.

Custom protocol handler

For more information about this feature, please see Custom Protocol Handler article.

Fixes and improvements

  • Ability to intercept the com.teamdev.jxbrowser.chromium.swing.BrowserView.requestFocus() method has been added.
  • The thread deadlock on macOS when accelerated lightweight rendering mode is enabled has been fixed.
  • The issue when WebGL does not work on Linux has been resolved.
  • The package from the Import-Package attribute in the MANIFEST.MF file has been removed. It solves the issue when this package cannot be found in OSGi environment.
  • The issue when NetworkDelegate.onHeadersReceived() corrupts HTTP headers when they are overridden has been fixed.
  • Details information in JxBrowser native binary files, e.g. *.dll, *.exe, on Windows platform has been restored.

Write us at to download JxBrowser 6.11.