Posted on February 29, 2016
JxBrowser 6.2
JxBrowser 6.2 contains the following features and improvements.
- Spell Checker API has been implemented. Now you can enable/disable spell checking, configure spell checker with required language, add words to your custom dictionary, replace misspelled words via context menu and more.
- Media Device API has been implemented. Now you can get information about available audio & video devices, disable audio & video devices, tell Chromium what microphone or webcam should be used by default, etc.
- Printing API has been extended. Now you have the options to print content of an IFRAME of the loaded web page using Printer Device or save as PDF file, change print settings when saving web page as PDF document, or print only selected text on the web page.
- Support of Windows Server 2016 has been added.
- Support of custom DOM Event types has been added.
- Support of HTML input element with
has been implemented. - Fixed threads leak when moving mouse cursor over web page.
- Fixed issue when JxBrowser Chromium processes are not terminated on Linux when Java process is terminated unexpectedly.
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