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Posted on April 6, 2016

JxBrowser 6.3

JxBrowser 6.3 contains the following features and improvements.

  • Audio API has been extended with functionality that allows muting/unmuting audio on the loaded web page.
  • SSL Certificate Verifier API has been added. With this new functionality you can decide what SSL certificate should be accepted or rejected.
  • Automatic conversion of String, Number, Boolean, JSObject to java.lang.Object in JavaScript-Java Bridge has been implemented. In previous versions you might receive NoSuchMethodException when calling Java method from JavaScript.
  • Access to local storage from Flash has been implemented. Without access to local storage you might get the issue when web page loaded in JxBrowser cannot access and use Flash shared object.
  • Ability to disable drag and drop for both Java Swing and JavaFX implementations has been added.
  • Ability to filter/suppress mouse and keyboard events has been implemented.
  • Support of the window.webkitStorageInfo.requestQuota on JavaScript has been added.
  • Support of the application/json mime type in drag and drop functionality has been implemented.
  • Support of Apple Java 1.6 on Mac OS X has been restored.
  • The DOMNode.equals() method has been added.
  • The DOMNode.getNextSibling() method has been added.
  • The DOMNode.getPreviousSibling() method has been added.
  • Fixed issue when drag and drop does not work on Linux.
  • Fixed issue when library fails to extract Chromium binaries in OSGi environment.
  • Fixed NullPointerException when embedding BrowserView into JavaFX TabPane with empty first tab.
  • Fixed the “Address already in use: JVM_Bind” error when creating Browser instance.
  • Fixed issue when NetworkDelegate corrupts POST binary data.
  • Fixed issue when LoadURLParams(String url) constructor corrupts HTTP request headers.
  • Fixed issue that prevents JavaFX application from exit on Mac OS X.
  • Fixed issue with native crash during resizing Browser instance on Windows.

Write us at to download JxBrowser 6.3.