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Posted on July 6, 2016
JxBrowser 6.6
Upgrade to Chromium 51
The major change in this release is upgrade of the Chromium engine to version 51.0.2704.106, which also brings several changes to JxBrowser system requirements.
In November 2015 Google announced the end of Chrome/Chromium’s support for Windows XP, as well as Windows Vista, and Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7, and 10.8, since these platforms are no longer actively supported by Microsoft and Apple. Starting with Google Chrome/Chromium 50 these platforms are no longer supported at all. Since JxBrowser 6.6 is based on Chromium 51, support of these platforms has been dropped as well.
Fixes and improvements
Here is a detailed overview of the features added in JxBrowser 6.6:
- SpellCheck events. This API allows registering
for receiving notification about spell check results on the loaded web page. When a text field or text area on the loaded web page receives focus, Chromium’s spell checker functionality automatically checks the text and highlights misspelled words. Using theSpellCheckListener
you can obtain the information about misspelled words as well. - Multiple webcams. Now you can display video from several webcams on a single web page at the same time.
- The
"Ignoring too frequent calls to print()"
error message when printing too often has been disabled. By default Chromium does not allow calling print functionality too often. If you try to print web page more than one time per 2-3 seconds, Chromium will throw the “Ignoring too frequent calls to print()” error message in JavaScript console and cancel printing. Now, you can call print functionality as often as you need. - The issue when popup window could not be closed in JavaFX with enabled heavyweight rendering mode has been resolved. The issue lied in GUI threads conflict between JavaFX and Chromium native widgets, which is fixed now.
- Native crash on Ubuntu 14.04 32-bit and 64-bit when displaying a custom cursor on a web page has been fixed. This issue was reproducible only when heavyweight rendering mode is enabled. To fix the issue we applied several patches to JxBrowser code that works with Chromium native widgets on Linux.
- The issue when clicking the Download button in PDF Viewer did not actually download PDF document has been fixed. It was reproducible in a very specific situation when pressing the Download button sends HTTP request to a web server that returns PDF document in HTTP response body. We figured out that in HTTP request, JxBrowser sends incorrect user agent string which causes web server to return 500 HTTP status code. We fixed the issue with wrong user agent string in HTTP request headers and it solved the issue.
Write us at customer-care@teamdev.com to download JxBrowser 6.6.
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