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Posted on October 3, 2016

JxBrowser 6.7.1

Here’s the list of what has been improved in 6.7.1.

  • This version supports brand new macOS Sierra operating system. We’ve checked all JxBrowser functionality in this environment and confirm that JxBrowser 6.7.1 is compatible with this operating system.
  • It also supports the BrowserView.setVisible() method. Now, you can show/hide BrowserView instance using this method like standard Java Swing/JavaFX component.
  • The CacheStorage.clearCache() method has been improved. Now, apart from clearing disk cache the method clears memory cache as well.
  • We have removed the limitation when only one embedded PDF document on the web page could be printed. In previous versions, when web page had two or more embedded PDF documents, only one PDF document could be printed via the Print button in PDF Viewer.
  • The Browser.setZoomEnabled(false) method has been improved. Previously you could zoom in/out using pinch gesture even when zoom functionality was disabled. Now, the functionality disables pinch zoom as well.

This version also contains fixes for the following issues:

  • The unexpected Chromium process termination with exit code 1 when disposing Browser instance while Chromium engine is blocked waiting for response from Java side in a blocking callback.
  • The RejectedExecutionException error in multi-threaded environment when disposing Browser instance.
  • Issue with incorrect rendering (in both heavyweight and lightweight rendering modes) in JavaFX in Windows + HiDPI monitor environment with device scale factor != 100%.
  • Minor issue in default Swing/JavaFX Print dialog when custom page range is not applied when values are not changed.

Write us at to download JxBrowser 6.7.1.