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Posted on January 11, 2017

JxBrowser 6.11.1

The new version allows accessing POST body when uploading form data with modified content-type. Now you can access POST body of HTTP request regardless of the HTTP request content type.

Fixed issues

  • The issue when lightweight rendering doesn’t work in the environment that user connects to via Windows Remote Desktop.
  • The crash in Chromium engine when minimizing JInternalFrame with embedded lightweight Swing BrowserView.
  • The rendering issues in lightweight JavaFX BrowserView.
  • The issue with black rectangle instead of empty cursor in lightweight JavaFX BrowserView.
  • Now JxBrowser extracts Chromium binaries into the <user>\AppData\Local\JxBrowser directory instead of user’s temp folder on Windows platform. On macOS and Linux the binaries are still extracted into user’s temp folder by default. The issue was that loading JNI library from user’s temp folder on Windows platform might cause access denied error sporadically. Loading JNI library from AppData\Local solves this issue.
  • The issue when first file is not uploaded to a web server when POST data is modified.
  • The issue when files are uploaded to a web server in incorrect order.

Write us at to download JxBrowser 6.11.1.