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Posted on June 23, 2017

JxBrowser 6.14.2

With this update JxBrowser was enhanced with much requested new method: JSObject.toJSONString(). It allows getting a string, containing the text representation of the JavaScript object, in JSON format.

Apart from this, v6.14.2 contains the following changes:


  • The javafx.scene.input.ScrollEvent object passed to JavaFX BrowserView scroll events handler now includes additional information such as deltaX, deltaY, shiftDown, ctrlDown, altDown, metaDown.
  • The java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent object passed to Swing BrowserView mouse events handler now includes additional information such as deltaY, shiftDown, ctrlDown, altDown, metaDown.
  • The default Swing and JavaFX File Open/Save dialog implementations has been extended with the *.pdf extension file filter when saving web page to PDF.

Fixed issues:

  • The error when extracting binaries on Linux platform.
  • The issue when HTML5 application cache doesn’t work without internet connection.
  • The thread deadlock when attempt to drag something in the heavyweight rendering mode blocks UI thread in both JavaFX and Swing BrowserView implementations.

Write us at to download JxBrowser 6.14.2.