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Posted on March 6, 2018

JxBrowser 6.19.1

Fixed Issues

This version contains fixes for the following issues:

  • Thread deadlock when resizing Swing/JavaFX BrowserView on macOS.
  • PrintJobListener.onPrintingDone() not called if page ranges are out of the document size. It was reproducible if you tried to set the page ranges that are out of the total number of pages to print. For example, the page ranges are 0-999, when the total number of pages is 10.
  • The browsercore32.exe zombie processes. We figured out that when all Browser instances on Windows platform are disposed, some browsercore32.exe processes are not terminated as expected and continue to run and to lock Chromium’s user data directory. In this build we fixed this issue.
  • The incorrect component positioning in a HiDPI environment on Windows platforms has been fixed.

Write us at to download JxBrowser 6.19.1.