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Posted on September 8, 2021

JxBrowser 7.19

JxBrowser 7.19 has been released! We’ve upgraded Chromium to version 92.0.4515.159, extended the API with new features, added important fixes and improvements. Read below for more details!

In this version we introduced one small breaking change to the API. Check out the migration guide to find out what API have been changed.

Chromium 92

Chromium has been upgraded to version 92.0.4515.159.

This Chromium version includes nine important security fixes, so we recommend that you upgrade to this version.

Java 17

Java Development Kit (JDK) is set to launch in September 2021. It will be a long-term support (LTS) version, with extended support from Oracle. We tested the library with Java 17 on all supported platforms and didn’t find any issues. So, you can use this version with Java 17 already. As soon as Java 17 is officially released, we will include it into the list of supported Java versions.


Now you can drag and drop text, links, images, files in the SWT BrowserView component in the off-screen rendering mode on Windows, Linux, and macOS. Drag and drop functionality is enabled by default.

Load progress events

The Navigation API has been extended with the LoadProgressChanged event that allows you to get notifications about load progress:

navigation.on(LoadProgressChanged.class, event -> {
    // The load progress between 0 and 1.
    double progress = event.progress();

Upload data bytes

The library now allows retrieving bytes from upload data. This enhancement introduces several API changes:

  • The UploadData.bytes() method has been added.
  • The BeforeSendUploadDataCallback.Params.httpHeaders() method has been added to be able to get the boundary to parse multipart/form-data from raw bytes.
  • The BytesData class has been renamed to ByteData.

Custom DnD data

In the off-screen rendering mode DnD supports several data flavors: url, text, html. At the same time, JavaScript might put some custom data into transferable via DataTransfer.setData(). In the previous versions the library just ignores this custom data. Now, the library supports the DnD custom data on all supported platforms.

Fixed issues

  • JVM crash on an attempt to find the native window handle in JavaFX 16 on macOS.
  • Deadlock on processing nested calls in Chromium render process.
  • Crash when canceling printing during collecting printer capabilities.
  • The IllegalStateException error when calling Frame.children().
  • The dependency checker error on Linux due to the wrong library name. The library has been renamed to

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