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Posted on February 20, 2025

JxBrowser 8.4.0

User-Agent Client Hints API

In this version you can now set the User-Agent Client Hints data that will be sent to the server when the server requests it.

The following example demonstrates how to set the User-Agent Client Hints data:

                .addBrand(UserAgentBrand.create("Safari", ""))
                .addBrand(UserAgentBrand.create("Edge", ""))

Parsing the User-Agent string has historically been the way to get information about the user’s browser or device. A typical user agent string looks like the following example, identifying Chrome 92 on Windows:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
Chrome/92.0.4515.107 Safari/537.36

User agent Client Hints aims to provide this information in a more privacy-preserving way by enforcing a model where the server requests a set of information. The browser decides what to return. This approach means that a user-agent could provide settings that allow a user to hide some of the information that could fingerprint them from such requests.

Chromium 133.0.6943.99

We upgraded Chromium to a newer version, which introduces 21 security fixes, including:

For the complete list of Chromium fixes and improvements since the previous Chromium upgrade please visit the product blog posts for the following versions:

Quality enhancements

  • Fixed a crash that occurred when opening/closing context menu in PDF Viewer.
  • Fixed a bug when the NetworkChanged event was not fired when the network connection was lost or restored.
  • Fixed a bug when the UrlRequestJob accepted only the last HTTP header.
  • Fixed the wrong D&D icon when dragging while holding the Control key.

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