Clear API & Docs

Easy-to-use API with extensive documentation and dozens of examples.

Prompt support

Get reply from JxCapture engineers within one business day on the support site or premium support service.

Proven expertise

Created by engineers who have been integrating Java with MS IE, Firefox, WebKit, Safari, and Chromium for 20 years.

Simple integration

Capture full screen

  • /.../
    • /*
    •  * Copyright (c) 2000-2024 TeamDev Ltd. All rights reserved.
    •  * Use is subject to licence terms.
    •  */
  • package jxcapture.image;
  • import ...
    • import com.teamdev.jxcapture.CompressionQuality;
    • import com.teamdev.jxcapture.ImageCapture;
    • import com.teamdev.jxcapture.image.ImageFormat;
    • import;
    • import;
  • /**...*/
    • /**
    • * The example demonstrates full screen capturing.
    • * Platforms:           All
    • * Image source:        FullScreen
    • * Output image format: JPEG
    • * Output file:         FullScreen.jpg
    • *
    • * @author Serge Piletsky
    • * @author Ikryanov Vladimir
    • */
  • public class CaptureFullScreen {...
    • public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {...
      • ImageCapture imageCapture = ImageCapture.create(new FullScreen());
      • long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
      • imageCapture.takeSnapshot().save(new File("FullScreen.jpg"), ImageFormat.JPEG, CompressionQuality.HIGH);
      • long after = System.currentTimeMillis();
      • imageCapture.release();
      • System.out.println("Operation took " + (after - before) + " milliseconds.");


Video capturing

You can capture any screen activity and save the result to a movie file. The API makes it possible to specify the resulting movie format, size, bitrate and codec.

Record sound

You can record the resulting video with sound from a microphone or other input device.

Capturing area

You will be able to take a full screen capture on multiple monitors, capture a rectangular screen area, entire window or any UI element.

Hidden or off-screen window

Under Windows platform you can capture the definite window when it is located outside of a screen or overlapped by other windows.

Examples of apps our customers build

Cross-desktop Java applications that require making window snapshots

JxCapture provides convenient cross-desktop Java API for making snapshots from a particular window on desktop, or entire desktop.

Java applications that provide desktop sharing ability

Great performance of JxCapture allows using it the applications that provide live desktop broadcasting.

Add-ons for issue tracking applications

Providing the ability for making static (images) and dynamic (videos) captures JxCapture is an indispensable tool for the issue tracking systems allowing users to grab and record visual contents of an application.

Getting help

Trial support

During evaluation period please use the email address, provided to you in the evaluation email.

If you have an active support subscription, please use the email address, provided to you in the email confirming the license purchase.

Evaluation Support

Provided for 30 days

Standard Support

Provided for one year with 25% discount for renewal

Premium Support

Contract-based time and materials service
Help with the product use
Help with the product use
Help with the product use
Response within one business day
Response within one business day
Response within one business day
Provided by email
Provided by email
Provided by email
Product updates
Product updates
Phone, chat and remote desktop
Feature development
Priority issue resolution
Licensing and pricing

Pay once, use forever

License use is governed by the product license agreement

Per developer

  • 1 developer

  • Perpetual license Perpetual license means you can always use the product version that you purchased, or the one you updated to during your valid support subscription.

  • Free distribution within your application

  • Unlimited projects

  • Updates & Support

  • 1 year of product updates

  • 1 year of technical support

  • 55 hours of support for 1 year


  • Unlimited developers

  • Perpetual license Perpetual license means you can always use the product version that you purchased, or the one you updated to during your valid support subscription.

  • Free distribution within your application

  • 1 project Bundled to a Java package of the project.

  • Updates & Support

  • 1 year of product updates

  • 1 year of technical support

  • 75 hours of support for 1 year


  • Unlimited developers

  • Perpetual license Perpetual license means you can always use the product version that you purchased, or the one you updated to during your valid support subscription.

  • Free distribution within your application

  • Unlimited projects

  • Updates & Support

  • 1 year of product updates

  • 1 year of technical support

  • 500 hours of support for 1 year

Updates & Support renewal for 1 year

with 25% discount on the license price

The prices on this page are exclusive of any taxes.

Get licenses via resellers

Frequently asked questions

Technical questions

Does JxCapture support video streaming?

No, current version of JxCapture does not support streaming.

Is there desktop+webcam video capturing (mixed) mode available in JxCapture?

No, there is no such more in JxCapture product yet. This is the planned feature for one of the next versions.

Is it possible to capture the contents of a window that has been minimised?

No, capturing the contents of a minimized window is not possible.

Does JxCapture support Windows 2008 Server and Windows 2012 Server platforms?

Yes, JxCapture provides the support of these platforms. However, in order to enable video capturing ability in JxCapture, you may need to enable “Media Foundation” and “Desktop Experience” features on those platforms correspondingly.

Is there any utility in JxCapture so that I can capture the invisible areas of the window?

In fact capturing of the scrollable window contents greatly depends on an application itself, so there is no such utility available in JxCapture.

How do I configure the license?

Licensing questions

What is your licensing based on?

Our licensing is based on versions of JxCapture. Having purchased the license for our product you get the right to use the current major version of the product.

How much does the Runtime License cost?

Runtime License is provided free of charge.

Can I receive a free upgrade?

Major and minor version upgrades issued during your active Standard Support subscription period are free of charge. Upon expiration of the Standard Support subscription you can renew it with a 25% discount from the actual license price.

What are the terms for using JxCapture?

Please take a look at the Product License Agreement.

There are 6 people on our team, and 2 of them need to use JxCapture. How many licenses do we need to purchase?

You only need to purchase 2 licenses. We license our library by the number of people who write code using our library.

If we take a developer, working with JxCapture, off the project, can we reassign the license to another developer?

This is possible with the Per Developer License.

How many copies of my product can I distribute with JxCapture included?

You can distribute unlimited number of copies of your product with our library enclosed.

We have 5 people, who work with JxCapture on one product.

You may want to purchase a Project License, which is cost-effective in case there are 3 and more developers on the team. The Project License is bound to a single project you do, but it allows any number of developers in your company to work with our library.

How is a Project License bound to my project?

Project License is bound to your project via a fully-qualified class name. A fully-qualified name for a class is the package name followed by the class name, separated by a period (.). For example: com.mycompany.myproduct.MyClass

Which class can be used for binding the license?

This can be any class of your application. The only requirement is that it should be included into your Java application class path.

What’s the definition of “project” in terms of the Project License?

When we say “project” we have in mind one product of your company including your future product versions or potential derivative works based on your product.

Will we be able to use the Project License in another project we do?

The Project License is tied to one project only.

We’d like a license for multiple projects for a team of developers, what would you offer?

The best solution would be to purchase the Company–wide License, which covers any number developers and projects in one company.

How do I find the license file?

Upon the license purchase you will receive a license archive with two types of JAR files: development.jar and runtime.jar. Development.jar is intended to be used in the development process. Runtime.jar is to be used for distribution of your software with JxCapture enclosed.

Free 30‑day trial

We will email you your trial key and a quick start guide.

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Read and agree to the terms to continue.


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Please try again. If the issue persists, contact us at

Thank you!

Start your free trial in few simple steps


Check your email

Links to download your evaluation license and distribution archive will arrive at your inbox in a few minutes.

If the message gets lost in your mailbox, try searching for an email from JxCapture Evaluation Support with “Your Free 30 Days Trial” subject.


Install the license

To start using JxCapture

  • download your evaluation license,
  • download and extract the distribution archive,
  • include all the JAR files from the lib directory and evaluation license licence.jar in your application class path.

Get started

Use the Programmer’s Guide to get JxCapture up and running in no time.

See Support Documentation for more information on using JxCapture.

Check out the ready-made examples for instructions and ideas on what you can do with your newly gotten JxCapture.