Uses of Class

Packages that use BStr
com.jniwrapper.win32.automation This package provides interfaces, their implementaitons, utility classes and data types for working with Microsoft Automation. 
com.jniwrapper.win32.automation.impl The com.jniwrapper.win32.automation.impl package contains default client implementations of COM interfaces introduced in the com.jniwrapper.win32.automation package. 
com.jniwrapper.win32.automation.types The com.jniwrapper.win32.automation.types package contains various Automation types wrappers, such as Variant, BStr, SafeArray and other. The package contains a number of standard COM interfaces wrappers. The package contains default client implementations of COM interfaces introduced in the package. 
com.jniwrapper.win32.ole The com.jniwrapper.win32.mshtml package contains a number of interfaces that are used in the OLE technology. 
com.jniwrapper.win32.ole.impl The com.jniwrapper.win32.ole.impl package contains default client implementations of COM interfaces introduced in the com.jniwrapper.win32.ole package. 
com.jniwrapper.win32.stg The com.jniwrapper.win32.stg package contains a number of commonly used interfaces from the Structured Storage API. 

Uses of BStr in com.jniwrapper.win32.automation

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.automation that return BStr
 BStr ITypeInfo.getMops(MemberID memid)
 BStr IRecordInfo.getName()
 BStr IDispatchEx.getMemberName(DispID dispID)

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.automation with parameters of type BStr
 void ITypeLib.getDocumentation(Int index, BStr pBstrName, BStr pBstrDocString, UInt32 pdwHelpContext, BStr pBstrHelpFile)
 VariantBool ITypeLib.isName(BStr szNameBuf, ULongInt lHashVal)
 void ITypeLib.findName(BStr szNameBuf, ULongInt lHashVal, ITypeInfo ppTInfo, MemberID rgMemId, UInt16 pcFound)
 void ITypeInfo.getDocumentation(MemberID memid, BStr pBstrName, BStr pBstrDocString, UInt32 pdwHelpContext, BStr pBstrHelpFile)
 void ITypeInfo.getDllEntry(MemberID memid, InvokeKind invkind, BStr pBstrDllName, BStr pBstrName, UInt16 pwOrdinal)
 DispID IDispatchEx.getDispID(BStr bstrName, UInt32 grfdex)
 void IDispatchEx.deleteMemberByName(BStr bstrName, UInt32 grfdex)

Uses of BStr in com.jniwrapper.win32.automation.impl

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.automation.impl that return BStr
 BStr ITypeInfoImpl.getMops(MemberID memid)
 BStr IRecordInfoImpl.getName()
 BStr IDispatchExImpl.getMemberName(DispID dispID)

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.automation.impl with parameters of type BStr
 void ITypeLibImpl.getDocumentation(Int index, BStr bstrName, BStr bstrDocString, UInt32 dwHelpContext, BStr bstrHelpFile)
 VariantBool ITypeLibImpl.isName(BStr bstrNameBuf, ULongInt lHashVal)
 void ITypeLibImpl.findName(BStr bstrNameBuf, ULongInt lHashVal, ITypeInfo pTInfo, MemberID memid, UInt16 cFound)
 void ITypeInfoImpl.getDocumentation(MemberID memid, BStr bstrName, BStr bstrDocString, UInt32 dwHelpContext, BStr bstrHelpFile)
 void ITypeInfoImpl.getDllEntry(MemberID memid, InvokeKind invKind, BStr bstrDllName, BStr bstrName, UInt16 wOrdinal)
 DispID IDispatchExImpl.getDispID(BStr bstrName, UInt32 grfdex)
 void IDispatchExImpl.deleteMemberByName(BStr bstrName, UInt32 grfdex)

Uses of BStr in com.jniwrapper.win32.automation.types

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.automation.types that return BStr
 BStr Variant.getBstrVal()
 BStr StructureInfo.getName()

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.automation.types with parameters of type BStr
 void Variant.setBStrVal(BStr bstr)
          Deprecated. use Variant.setValue(java.lang.Object, int)
 void Variant.setBStr(BStr bstr)

Constructors in com.jniwrapper.win32.automation.types with parameters of type BStr
BStr(BStr that)
          Creates the new BStr instance from the specified one.

Uses of BStr in

Methods in that return BStr
static BStr ComFunctions.sysAllocString(BStr str)
          Allocates a new string and copies the passed string into it

Methods in with parameters of type BStr
 HResult IErrorInfo.getSource(BStr pBstrSource)
 HResult IErrorInfo.getDescription(BStr pBstrDescription)
 HResult IErrorInfo.getHelpFile(BStr pBstrHelpFile)
 void IClassFactory2.requestLicKey(UInt32 reserved, BStr key)
          Creates and returns a license key that the caller can save and use later in calls to IClassFactory2.createInstanceLic(IUnknown, IUnknown,, com.jniwrapper.win32.automation.types.BStr, IUnknown).
 void IClassFactory2.createInstanceLic(IUnknown outer, IUnknown reserved, IID iid, BStr bstrKey, IUnknown result)
          Creates an instance of the licensed object given a license key from IClassFactory2.requestLicKey(com.jniwrapper.UInt32, com.jniwrapper.win32.automation.types.BStr)
static BStr ComFunctions.sysAllocString(BStr str)
          Allocates a new string and copies the passed string into it
static void ComFunctions.sysFreeString(BStr str)
          Deallocates a string allocated previously by ComFunctions.sysAllocString(com.jniwrapper.win32.automation.types.BStr)

Uses of BStr in

Methods in with parameters of type BStr
 HResult IErrorInfoImpl.getSource(BStr pBstrSource)
 HResult IErrorInfoImpl.getDescription(BStr pBstrDescription)
 HResult IErrorInfoImpl.getHelpFile(BStr pBstrHelpFile)
 void IClassFactory2Impl.requestLicKey(UInt32 reserved, BStr key)
 void IClassFactory2Impl.createInstanceLic(IUnknown outer, IUnknown reserved, IID iid, BStr bstrKey, IUnknown result)

Uses of BStr in com.jniwrapper.win32.ole

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.ole with parameters of type BStr
static Int32 OleFunctions.oleGetIconOfClass(CLSID rclsid, BStr lpszLabel, Int32 fUseTypeAsLabel)
static Int32 OleFunctions.oleMetafilePictFromIconAndLabel(Int32 hIcon, BStr lpszLabel, BStr lpszSourceFile, Int32 iIconIndex)
static void OleFunctions.oleCreateLinkToFile(BStr lpszFileName, IID riid, OleRender renderopt, Pointer.Void rgFormatEtc, IOleClientSite pClientSite, IStorage pStg, Pointer.Void ppvObj)
static void OleFunctions.oleCreateLinkToFileEx(BStr lpszFileName, IID riid, OleCreate dwFlags, OleRender renderopt, Int32 cFormats, Int32 rgAdvf, Pointer.Void rgFormatEtc, IAdviseSink lpAdviseSink, Int32 rgdwConnection, IOleClientSite pClientSite, IStorage pStg, Pointer.Void ppvObj)
static void OleFunctions.oleCreateFromFile(CLSID rclsid, BStr lpszFileName, IID riid, OleRender renderopt, FormatEtc rgFormatEtc, IOleClientSite pClientSite, IStorage pStg, IUnknown ppvObject)
static void OleFunctions.oleCreateFromFileEx(CLSID rclsid, BStr lpszFileName, IID riid, OleCreate dwFlags, OleRender renderopt, Int32 cFormats, Int32 rgAdvf, FormatEtc rgFormatEtc, IAdviseSink lpAdviseSink, Int32 rgdwConnection, IOleClientSite pClientSite, IStorage pStg, Pointer.Void ppvObj)
 void IContinueCallback.fContinuePrinting(Int32 nPagesPrinted, Int32 nCurrentPage, BStr printStatus)

Uses of BStr in com.jniwrapper.win32.ole.impl

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.ole.impl with parameters of type BStr
 void IContinueCallbackImpl.fContinuePrinting(Int32 nPagesPrinted, Int32 nCurrentPage, BStr printStatus)

Uses of BStr in com.jniwrapper.win32.stg

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.stg with parameters of type BStr
static IStorage StorageFunctions.stgOpenStorage(java.lang.String pwcsName, IStorage pstgPriority, StgMode grfMode, BStr snbExclude)
static IStorage StorageFunctions.stgCreateStorageEx(BStr pwcsName, StgMode grfMode, StgFmt stgfmt, UInt32 grfAttrs, StgOptions stgOptions, Pointer.Void reserved2, IID iid)
static IStorage StorageFunctions.stgOpenStorageEx(BStr pwcsName, StgMode grfMode, StgFmt stgfmt, UInt32 grfAttrs, StgOptions stgOptions, Pointer.Void reserved2, IID iid)
static IStorage StorageFunctions.stgCreateDocfile(BStr pwcsName, StgMode grfMode, Int32 reserved)
static IStorage StorageFunctions.stgOpenStorageOnILockBytes(ILockBytes plkbyt, IStorage pstgPriority, StgMode grfMode, BStr snbExclude, Int32 reserved)