October 16, 2023

Molybden 1.0.0-preview.9: native dialogs, tray, dock, spell checker, application details and resources

With the latest SDK update you can now display the native message and file system dialogs, place your app in tray on macOS, configure app Dock on macOS, show context menu for a misspelled word with suggestions, access the app details such as name, description, copyright, etc., use the app resources directory, and more.

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What’s new

Here’s a quick overview of the new features and improvements in the latest update.

Native Dialogs

Molybden API has been extended with new functionality that allow you to display the native message and file system dialogs.


The message dialog API allows you to show different message dialogs. For example, the following code demonstrates how to show a confirmation dialog with two buttons:

MessageDialogOptions options;
options.message = "Would you like to delete this conversation?";
options.informative_text =
    "This conversation will be deleted from all of your devices."
    "You cannot undo this action.";
    MessageDialogButton("Cancel", MessageDialogButtonType::kCancel));
    MessageDialogButton("Delete", MessageDialogButtonType::kDefault));
MessageDialog::show(browser, options, [](const MessageDialogResult& result) {
  if (result.button.type == MessageDialogButtonType::kDefault) {
    // The Delete button has been pressed.

On macOS the message dialog will look like this:

Confirmation message dialog on macOS

Open File

The open file dialog is a simple native system dialog that shows a file picker to the user.

To show an open file dialog, use the OpenDialog::show() function with the dialog options and callback function:

OpenDialogOptions options;
options.title = "Open File";
options.default_path = "/Users/vladimir/Desktop";
options.features.can_select_files = true;
OpenDialog::show(browser, options, [](const OpenDialogResult& result) {
  if (!result.canceled) {
    for (const auto& path : result.paths) {
      std::cout << path << std::endl;

On macOS the open file dialog will look like this:

Open file dialog on macOS

Open Files

You can configure the open file dialog to allow selecting multiple files:

OpenDialogOptions options;
options.title = "Open Files";
options.default_path = "/Users/vladimir/Desktop";
options.features.can_select_files = true;
options.features.allow_multiple_selections = true;
OpenDialog::show(browser, options, [](const OpenDialogResult& result) {
  if (!result.canceled) {
    for (const auto& path : result.paths) {
      std::cout << path << std::endl;

Open Directory

To allow selecting only directories in the open file dialog, use the following options:

OpenDialogOptions options;
options.title = "Open Directory";
options.default_path = "/Users/vladimir/Desktop";
options.features.can_select_files = false;
options.features.can_select_directories = true;
OpenDialog::show(browser, options, [](const OpenDialogResult& result) {
  if (!result.canceled) {
    for (const auto& path : result.paths) {
      std::cout << path << std::endl;


The save file dialog is a simple native system dialog that shows a file picker to the user.

To show a save file dialog, use the SaveDialog::show() function with the following dialog options and callback function:

SaveDialogOptions options;
options.title = "Save File";
options.default_path = "/Users/vladimir/Desktop";
SaveDialog::show(browser, options, [](const SaveDialogResult& result) {
  if (!result.canceled) {
    std::cout << result.path << std::endl;

The first argument is the browser window that will be used as a parent window for the dialog. The dialog will be a modal dialog in this case:

Save file dialog on macOS


Now you can create in your application multiple tray items, each with its own icon, title, and menu.

The tray items are shared between all windows of your application, and you can manipulate them whether a window is visible or not. The tray items is a great way to let users run your application in the background and let them re-open the window easily.

The following example demonstrates how to create a tray item with an image and menu:

auto tray = Tray::create(app);
tray->setImage(app->getPath(PathKey::kAppResources) + "/image.png");
    menu::Item("New Window", [app](const CustomMenuItemActionArgs& args) {
         auto browser = Browser::create(app);

On macOS it will look like this:

Tray item with menu on macOS


On macOS, you can now configure the Dock icon for your application. You can show/hide the Dock icon or show a badge with a custom text on the app’s icon in the Dock.

Dock icon on macOS

Spell Checker

Molybden provides a built-in spell checker that can be used to check spelling in the text fields of your application.

By default, the spell checker is enabled and checks text in the text fields. It underlines misspelled words with a red dotted line. When you right-click a misspelled word, the context menu shows the list of suggested words and the Add to Dictionary item.

Spell checker context menu

Molybden provides the API you can use to configure the built-in spell checker functionality. You can enable/disable spell checking, specify the language of the spell checker and the list of words that should be ignored by the spell checker.

App Details

You can now access the app details such as name, description, version, etc. To get this information programmatically you can use the following API:

std::string app_name = app->name();
std::string app_version = app->version();
std::string app_description = app->description();
std::string copyright = app->copyright();

App Resources directory

Now your Molybden application has a dedicated directory for storing application resources such as images, config files, etc. The absolute path to the resources directory can be obtained using the getPath() method of the App class:

std::string path_to_resources = app->getPath(PathKey::kAppResources);

All the files and folders from the resources directory will be copied to the application bundle.

Chromium 118.0.5993.70

We upgraded Chromium to a newer version, which introduces multiple security fixes, including the fix for CVE-2023-5218: Use after free in Site Isolation.

For the complete list of Chromium fixes and improvements in 118.0.5993.70, please visit the product blog post for this version.


  • Allow enabling/disabling custom menu and context menu items.
  • The custom menu and context menu items are browser window independent now. Previously, the custom menu and context menu items were disabled if there’s no alive and active browser window.
  • Added the “About” menu item to the default app menu on macOS. Selecting this menu item will show the standard “About” dialog.
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