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Molybden 1.5.1: quality enhancements

In this patch version, we fixed the error when building a universal build on Mac with Apple Silicon.

Molybden 1.5.0: custom code-signing on Windows and cross-platform builds on macOS

In this version, we are adding a way to sign your binary using a custom command, cross-platform build on macOS along with some other improvements.

Molybden 1.4.0: automatic application updates on macOS and universal DMG generation

In this version, we are adding automatic application update functionality for macOS and extending the Molybden CLI with a new command that allows you to generate a universal DMG.

Molybden 1.3.0: automatic application updates on Windows and app icon generator utility

Molybden 1.3.0 is out! In this version we introduce the "must have" functionality for any modern desktop application — automatic application updates. Now you can configure your application to check for updates on the update server and download and install them automatically.

Since there's no integrated software on Windows that allows generating an ICO file from a set of PNG files, we decided to include into Molybden SDK a command line utility that allows generating app icon for your Molybden application on Windows.

Chromium has been upgraded to version 124.0.6367.202 which includes the latest security patches and support of the latest web standards.

Molybden 1.2.0: restarting application, command line arguments, window focus events, window display policy

We're thrilled to present Molybden 1.2.0. In this version, we introduce several new features and enhancements that allow you to:

  • programmatically restart your application;
  • access the passed command line arguments of your application;
  • receive notifications when the application window is focused or loses focus;
  • configure the window display policy on the virtual desktops (spaces) on macOS;
  • detect the current operating system in your C++ code.

Chromium has been upgraded to version 121.0.6167.184 which includes the latest security patches and support of the latest web standards.

Create Molybden App 1.1.0: UI component libraries

A new version of Create Molybden App is available for download.

In this version we extend the list of project templates with the most popular UI component libraries for the most popular frontend frameworks and languages.

Now you can configure your project with the UI component library you are familiar with and use it to build the user interface of your desktop app.

Molybden 1.1.0: global shortcuts, clipboard, window customization, file downloads

We're excited to announce the release of Molybden 1.1.0. In this version we introduce several new features and enhancements that allow you to:

  • register global keyboard shortcuts for your application;
  • access the system clipboard to read and write data;
  • make your application windows to be always on top of other windows;
  • programmatically download any file by URL and more.

Chromium has been upgraded to version 120.0.6099.216 which includes the latest security patches and compatibility with the latest web standards.

Molybden 1.0.0: official release!

We're thrilled to announce that the Public Preview phase of Molybden has come to a successful close, and we are officially launching Molybden 1.0.0!

Molybden 1.0.0 is officially released

Molybden 1.0.0-preview.9: native dialogs, tray, dock, spell checker, application details and resources

With the latest SDK update you can now display the native message and file system dialogs, place your app in tray on macOS, configure app Dock on macOS, show context menu for a misspelled word with suggestions, access the app details such as name, description, copyright, etc., use the app resources directory, and more.

Molybden Runtime (Chromium) has been upgraded to version 118.0.5993.70 which includes the latest security patches and compatibility with the latest web standards.

Molybden 1.0.0-preview.8: desktop, permissions, logging, DMG installer on macOS

In the latest SDK update we introduced the Desktop API for macOS and Windows, extended the Permissions and Logging APIs with new features, introduced generator of the DMG installers for macOS, upgraded Molybden Runtime (Chromium) to version 116, and more.

Create Molybden App 1.0.1: new project template for converting websites to desktop apps

A new version of Create Molybden App is available for download.

In this release, we have added a new project template you can use to convert your website to a cross-platform desktop app.

Molybden 1.0.0 Public Preview

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the public preview of Molybden, an SDK for building cross-platform desktop apps with HTML/CSS/JavaScript UI.

Discover how we are simplifying the process of building cross-platform desktop apps with modern user interface. Get the best of both worlds: leverage the performance of C++ for the app business logic, combined with the web technologies for the app UI.

The public preview period is an opportunity for you to explore the full capabilities of the SDK without any limitations. It’s completely free during public preview period!
