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Unresponsive .NET Application

If your .NET application hangs, and you believe it happens because of DotNetBrowser, enable logging, reproduce the issue, take a process dump when the application hangs, and submit a ticket with the process dump analysis and the log messages.

Creating and analyzing .NET process dump

1. Create .NET process dump

You can create the dump of the .NET process using different tools, including Visual Studio Debugger, ProcDump, DebugDiag, and others.

2. Analyze .NET process dump

You can open and analyze .NET process dumps in Visual Studio. The following articles describe how to do this:

The Threads, Call Stack, and Parallel Stacks views in Visual Studio Debugger can be used to check the state of each thread in the application.

You can also analyze the dump using DebugDiag Analysis. To analyze the dump file:

  1. Click Start > Run, type the path of the DebugDiag Analysis tool, and then click OK.

    By default, the path to the DebugDiag Analysis tool looks like C:\Program Files\DebugDiag\DebugDiag.Analysis.exe.

  2. Click Add Data Files button.
  3. Locate and select the dump file that you want to analyze, and then click Open.
  4. Configure the symbol search path which is the path to .pdb files generated during building your application by clicking the gear button and adding that path to the Symbol search paths to use for Analysis section.
  5. Check CrashHang Analysis, and then click Start Analysis.
  6. Review the report that is displayed in Microsoft Internet Explorer. A copy of this report is also stored in the %UserProfile%/Documents/DebugDiag/Reports folder.
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