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Release Policy

This section contains a complete release history for DotNetBrowser in reverse chronological order. We aim to release a new version with new features, enhancements, and bug fixes at least once a month. Below we describe our versioning policy and principles we use when choosing the version for a new build.

Version number format

DotNetBrowser version format is MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.


The MAJOR version is incremented when a significant backward-incompatible API change is made. For example, this can happen when new language features are used or the architecture of the library has been significantly changed.

We prefer releasing a new major version not often than once a year.


The MINOR version is incremented when the API has been extended with new functionality. The changes in the API might be backward-incompatible, but most of the time they are backward-compatible.


The PATCH version is incremented when some enhancements or fixes are made. The API is untouched in this case.

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