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Posted on August 8, 2022

DotNetBrowser 2.16

What’s new

Dynamic type support for IJsObject

We continue improving the ease-of-use of our product. Now the following syntax is possible:

dynamic document = Browser.MainFrame.ExecuteJavaScript("document").Result;
document.write("Hello world!");


Chromium has been upgraded to version 102.0.5005.167. It includes the critical security fix.

WebAuthn support

It is now possible to authenticate using hardware tokens or built-in platform authenticators such as fingerprint sensors.


Redesigned spellchecker API

Meet a new improved spellchecking API. Check out changes in our migration guide and updated article.

Encrypted PDFs

The password-protected PDFs can now be opened in DotNetBrowser. By default, the standard Chromium dialog is shown when the encrypted PDF is loaded.

To provide password programmatically, or cancel the password request, use RequestPdfDocumentPasswordHandler:

// Provide the password programmatically.
Browser.RequestPdfDocumentPasswordHandler =
    new Handler<RequestPdfDocumentPasswordParameters, RequestPdfDocumentPasswordResponse>(p
        => RequestPdfDocumentPasswordResponse.Password(Password));

// Cancel the password request.
Browser.RequestPdfDocumentPasswordHandler =
    new Handler<RequestPdfDocumentPasswordParameters, RequestPdfDocumentPasswordResponse>(p
        => RequestPdfDocumentPasswordResponse.Cancel);

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